- #Configuration file for the Anycubic Kobra 2 neo. (Trigorilla 4.0.1 Board)
- #please read every comment before changing and using this config to ensure you dont break anything.
- #This Printer config was written and optimized by and with the help of the Klipper forum group.
- #THIS IS NO LONGER AS EXPERIMENTAL but still nobody will give you any warranty in case your printer blows up. (which it probably wont)
- #version 2.0.1
- #tested on 3 printers - fixed errors - generalized file paths - works now.
- #please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors in my comments as english is not my native.
- #comments by xenyonmedia and mysterious cable (reddit only)
- #Included files
- [include mainsail.cfg]
- [include makro.cfg] #comment this if you dont have this macro file.
- #[include adxl.cfg] #uncomment this if you want to connect an adxl sensor and have this config file
- #mcu config (i would advise against changing this besides from the serial)
- [mcu]
- serial:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 #set this to your serial connection after running ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
- baud: 115200
- restart_method: command
- #printer config
- [printer]
- kinematics: cartesian
- max_velocity: 250 #you can increase this, but stealthchop will vibrate the belts violently if moving faster!!!
- max_accel: 10000 #yes it does 10k atlease at 250mm/s
- max_z_velocity: 8 #dont change this
- max_z_accel: 800
- #this is my input shaper result, change or disable this only if you know what it does and at best have an adxl sensor
- [input_shaper]
- shaper_freq_x: 54.8
- shaper_type_x: ei
- shaper_freq_y: 34.0
- shaper_type_y: mzv
- #virtual SD
- [virtual_sdcard]
- path: ~/printer_data/gcodes
- on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT
- #x stepper
- [stepper_x]
- step_pin: PA12
- dir_pin: PA11
- enable_pin: !PA15
- microsteps: 16
- rotation_distance: 40
- endstop_pin: ^!PB11
- position_endstop: -10
- position_min: -14
- position_max: 220
- homing_speed: 100 #this sets the homing speed.
- #y stepper
- [stepper_y]
- step_pin: PA9
- dir_pin: !PA8
- enable_pin: !PA15
- microsteps: 16
- rotation_distance: 40
- endstop_pin: ^!PC13
- position_endstop: -2
- position_min: -3
- position_max: 230
- homing_speed: 100 #this sets the homing speed.
- #z stepper
- [stepper_z]
- step_pin: PB0
- dir_pin: !PB1
- enable_pin: !PA15
- microsteps: 16
- rotation_distance: 8
- endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
- position_min: -2
- position_max: 200
- homing_speed: 15
- second_homing_speed: 2
- #extruder config
- [extruder]
- max_extrude_cross_section: 5.0 #change if you change nozzle diameter to something large
- step_pin: PB15
- dir_pin: PB14
- enable_pin: !PA15
- microsteps: 16
- max_extrude_only_distance: 200
- max_extrude_only_velocity: 80
- max_extrude_only_accel: 5000
- rotation_distance: 7.084
- nozzle_diameter: 0.400
- filament_diameter: 1.750
- pressure_advance: 0.06 #if you see bulges or underextrusion on corners, tune this with the documentation (https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html)
- heater_pin: PB8
- sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
- sensor_pin: PC3
- min_extrude_temp: 190
- min_temp: 0
- max_temp: 250
- control: pid
- pid_ki: 0.88
- pid_kd: 59.12
- #pressure advance
- pid_kp: 14.42 #tune this with this guide (https://www.obico.io/blog/klipper-pid-tuning/)
- #hotbed
- [heater_bed]
- heater_pin: PB9
- sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
- sensor_pin: PC1
- min_temp: 0
- max_temp: 120
- control: pid
- pid_kp: 97.1 #tune this with this guide (https://www.obico.io/blog/klipper-pid-tuning/)
- pid_ki: 1.41
- pid_kd: 1675.16
- #inductive probe settings
- [probe]
- pin: PA1
- x_offset : 24.0
- y_offset : 13.35
- #z_offset: 0
- samples: 3
- samples_result: average
- samples_tolerance_retries: 1
- sample_retract_dist: 2
- speed: 15
- lift_speed: 8
- samples_tolerance : 0.1
- samples_tolerance_retries : 3
- #auto bed level settings
- [bed_mesh]
- speed: 200
- horizontal_move_z: 3
- mesh_min: 14, 11
- mesh_max: 210, 215
- probe_count: 7,7 #change this if you want more or less probe points
- mesh_pps: 4,4
- algorithm: bicubic
- bicubic_tension: 0.2
- #zhome probing. Probably dont change this
- [safe_z_home]
- home_xy_position: 110, 110
- speed: 100
- z_hop: 10
- z_hop_speed: 15
- [controller_fan controller_fan]
- pin: PB12
- [heater_fan extruder_fan]
- pin: PB13
- [fan]
- pin: PB5
- cycle_time: 0.00005 #20kHz
- #This pin enables the bed, hotend, extruder fan, part fan.
- [output_pin enable_pin]
- pin: PB6
- static_value: 1
- #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
- #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
- #*#
- #*# [probe]
- #*# z_offset = 1.595
- #*#
- #*# [bed_mesh default]
- #*# version = 1
- #*# points =
- #*# -0.003333, 0.034167, 0.032500, 0.094167, 0.156667
- #*# 0.075000, 0.080833, 0.062500, 0.093333, 0.117500
- #*# 0.065000, 0.047500, -0.004167, 0.008333, -0.002500
- #*# -0.062500, -0.088333, -0.134167, -0.132500, -0.167500
- #*# -0.146667, -0.211667, -0.298333, -0.364167, -0.408333
- #*# x_count = 5
- #*# y_count = 5
- #*# mesh_x_pps = 4
- #*# mesh_y_pps = 4
- #*# algo = bicubic
- #*# tension = 0.2
- #*# min_x = 14.0
- #*# max_x = 210.0
- #*# min_y = 11.0
- #*# max_y = 215.0